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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Saleems Fish Supreme/B.L. Smokers BBQ

Saleem's Fish Supreme (2016)
B.L. Smoker's Barbeque (2016)
Macon, Georgia, U.S.A.
Commercial, Eatery, Restaurant

By random, I chose two real-life food establishments and decided to update the buildings just for fun. As of now, The two food joints are right next to each other down Pio Nono Avenue; Saleems Fish is addressed 2198 and Smokers BBQ is 2196. (The image above is the shot from the Pio Nono Avenue and Anthony Road intersection)
Building 2198 is designed in a more urban appearance. I was more unique with the building as I used a fish as the focal point of the buildings front side. The curve roof forms off the fish symbol which has the wave look.
Building 2196 is designed in a more urban appearance as well, but smaller like it's current building. It has the normal appearance of an updated restaurant, also including a shaded grill station next to the building. It's building materials match Building 2198's material.

This is just a 360 degree video of the two establishments. Also, I did the parking lot, which could vary because of the lot terrain.

Again, Both of the Krusty Krabs are next to each other. 'Being creative' was just the point of this project.

Friday, August 12, 2016


Load... (2016)
Art Institute of Atlanta
School Project, 3D Animation, 3D Model

Load... is a very short video about this special robot. In this video below, the robot will attempt to pull a gold sword from a rock in a matter of several minutes. Now, This is just basic animation, nothing too cool or interesting. Just watch below, It's only about a minute.

The robot was the first character in Autodesk Maya for me to model, rig, and animate all together. I earlier designed the robot for the same purpose, but made a few changes as it became a school project, and no longer a personal project.

History: I designed the robot around the mid of Spring 2016. I modeled, rigged, and animated a GIF to test out the robot. Due to time constraints and lost of interest, I paused the project. Later on for my Animation Studio class, I returned to the project to carry off the same plot that I had planned earlier, unfortunately, Maya has those random 'glitches' that go on, and for some never known reason, one of the lower arms was unable to re-act with the body, so since this was a cartoon, I removed the lower arms from both sides, just showing the hands being magnetic to the elbows. There were some few other tricks, but I feared time cost. So, I was able to animate the robot despite several rig issues. The sound was done by a classmate from my Special Topics: Entrepreneurship class. I worked on the music in the end credits.

This picture below is the earlier GIF I did of the robot, back when he was able to function. Working on this guy was a pain in the head! The Loading idea was just something that popped up as I was working on the GIF image.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Loneliness in the Sanctuary


Loneliness in the Sanctuary (2016)
a church location
Personal Project, 3D Modeling

I wanted to design something random and more visual, like rooms, scenes, or offices. I decided to design a church sanctuary knowing that most of the elderly buildings and historical sites are senior churches.

Giving more of a lonely feeling was what I was aiming for. I dimmed the sunlight to give more of an evening setting. The three lights on the alter are the only lights on inside the sanctuary; the two ceiling lights and the glow light in the middle of the fish symbol. I also made the window red to urge the evening appearance more.

My image was a typical church sanctuary involving the roof post, the carpeting, the pulpit podium, the fish symbol, the pews, the Bibles that sit on the back of the pews, the doors on each side of the alter (not all typical sanctuaries have it like that), and also made most of the objects from wooden texture.

Looking from the alter, you can see the dynamic of the tarp that lays over the pulpit podium. Also, It's a good view to see the front of the pews. Not to mention, the evening light that would shade in.

Imagine being in here by yourself and it's almost this dark. You're just roaming the entire room as the sky starts to shade in.